We are just three normal, average guys who love the outdoors and love to cook. Gary, Lyle and Reese have been involved in cooking, scouting, and raising families for many years. Looking over the internet there are several sites that are dedicated to just one cooking method. We wanted to bring everything together in one place – so you can have a one-stop outdoor cooking site. We hope you visit often and enjoy your adventure with us.
Gary: I grew up loving everything outdoors. Our family loved to hunt, fish and camp in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. We all loved everything from hot dogs roasting on a stick over the fire to Dutch oven feasts. We had a wonderful Scout Troop that taught us all how to do some outdoor cooking, and as a newly-wed husband I volunteered to be a Boy Scout leader. I have since been involved with Scouting for over 30 years as an adult volunteer and have camped out with those Scouts and my family an average of at least 20 days a years since. This has included for most of those years, a backpacking trip somewhere into the mountains of Idaho, Utah, Montana or Wyoming with our seven children. This has brought a bunch of opportunities to learn how to cook over a fire, over charcoal, and over every variety of camp stove. What I learned most of all through these culinary experiences, is that if you have GREAT FOOD for an outdoor experience, that EVERYONE IS HAPPY! 🙂
One of the rules at my house is that I get to clean and cook anything that I have caught or bagged in my outdoor adventures. This has brought me many experiments with wild fish and game and has focused my attention on the backyard BBQ grill. I love nothing better than to catch a bunch of fish and bring just enough home to grill them that night for dinner!
I have been blessed throughout my life to find wonderful friends who have been great examples of true outdoor chefs. I am excited that two of my best friends in the world have decided to join me in this adventure in outdoor cooking!
Lyle: Growing up the seventh of nine children my father did a lot of cooking at home while mother looked after children. My father died when I was sixteen and my brothers and I started helping in the kitchen. I have been cooking ever since.
My brother-in-law, Dean, invited me to assist him at The Festival of The American West in their Dutch Oven Cook-off. I was intrigued and amazed at the wonderful food that came out of those black pots. We ended up taking 2nd place overall in the competition. I returned home with my first Dutch oven and began cooking in the back yard. My favorite saying is, “I can cook that in a Dutch Oven.” I continue to cook in cast iron and my collection of black pots has grown. For years I conducted dutch oven cooking demonstrations at Williams Ace Hardware in Wichita, Kansas.
I have been involved with the Boy Scouts as a scout a Scout Master and a Unit Commissioner. But my favorite position is Quarter Master! What was our best attended camp out every year? November – a complete Thanksgiving Dinner, out in the wilderness under the trees.
I have to admit, I am a foodie! I enjoy cooking and I love to eat. We celebrate birthdays, holidays and most other days with food! It is a fun day when I can try a new recipe with my family. I am happy that I can share some of the simple joys that I have found in cooking, indoors and out.
Reese: As the youngest of the Guys, I feel that I have the most to learn. But that’s why we’re here, right?! We’re here to take a passion, cooking, and learn the tastiest way to do it outside, whether it’s a weekend barbecue, camping, a special event, or the power is out. There’s just something special about cooking outdoors. My adventures in outdoor cooking started simply enough with watching my dad cook dutch oven on the weekends. Now, I’ve got my own gear and I’m starting to teach my children.
I have, at times, felt hesitant about outdoor cooking. I didn’t feel like I had enough gear, or the right gear, or the best gear. You know what I’ve learned? The gear doesn’t matter! Get creative, get outside, and learn something new. I’m excited to learn together!