We love pulled pork sandwiches and we love serving them at family gathering. You can feed a lot of people with one Boston Butt pork roast! We used to always cook the roast in a crock-pot and it was good. When we bought the Vision ceramic kamado style grill/smoker and started smoking the Boston Butt’s we found that we really enjoyed the smokey flavor that was added to the pulled pork. There are so many different ways to prepare the roast so experiment with them and smoke it!
- 1 Boston Butt Roast
- Three Little Pigs Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub
- Peach Nectar
- Use a meat injection syringe to inject the roast with peach nectar every couple of inches. This adds additional flavor and moister to the roast. I made the peach nectar from frozen peaches from our trees and water using NUTRiBULLET blender.
- Sprinkle the BBQ rub over the whole roast and rub it in.
- Rap the roast in saran wrap and place in the fridge to let the flavor soak into the meat fro 4 or more hours.
- I used hickory lump charcoal for this cook and added chucks of peach wood that I soaked to add additional flavor to the smoke. I will talk about a unique way that I ignite the lump charcoal fast in another post that I will discuss cooking techniques with the Vision grill/smoker.
- Place the roast in the smoker after it has reached 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Place a pan under the roast to catch the dripping and fill the pan with water/juice to add additional moisture during the cook. Smoke the roast between 12 – 14 hours depending on the size of the roast. I had to take the roast out of the Vision grill to reload the charcoal around 8-9 hours into the cook when the temperature started to drop.
- Cook the roast until it reaches 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the temperature that will break down the callegen and make the meat tender and juicey and easy to pull apart. This time it took longer to cook than I expected so I wrapped the roast in tin foil for the last 3 hours of the cook and raised the temperature of the smoker to 375 degrees.
- Take the roast out of the smoker when it reaches the desired temperature and let it rest for 10-20 minutes.
- Pull the roast apart using forks or meat forks and get ready to enjoy the feast.
Today I grilled some fresh pineapple and made a cole slaw salad to add to the sandwich. Boy was it good! Any extra meat can be frozen and reheated and it still retains it smoky delicious flavor.

Bishop I work with Maria Pack Milligan in Orem for the Boy Scouts. We need this and your dutch oven ideas for “The Boy Scout;” our council blog.
I am having trouble right now with drool, so I will have to stop typing.
Hi Darryl! We are working on lots of Dutch Oven ideas and plan on a BIG section directly related to Outdoor Cooking for Scouts and Scout Leaders! We will work on this for a few weeks then gladly work side by side with you guys to make Scout outings more fun for all! 🙂